CLA-VAL 100-01 : Main Valve HYTROL NGE-316


CLA-VAL 100-01 : Main Valve HYTROL NGE-316

The CLA-VAL 100-01 HYTROL GE-316 / NGE-316 has the same hydraulic characteristics and performance as the CLA-VAL 100-01 HYTROL GE / NGE.

The HYTROL GE-316 / NGE-316 is used in nearly all CLA-VAL Automatic Control Valves. 

The HYTROL GE-316 / NGE-316 is designed with removable slip-on flanges according to various standard requirements (ISO, ANS).

The high quality material is to be used for corrosion type of fluids as well as multiple pressure ratings (PN 10-50 / ANSI 150-300).

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