- Environnement
Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) represents the implementation of sustainable development within a company, with the aim of protecting the environment and taking initiatives in the social field. Although the objectives of CSR are fairly straightforward, it is essential to take multiple actions and understand certain values that are well adapted to a company’s needs and available resources.
Overall, corporate social responsibility is part of the efforts made by companies to respect the environment and establish a sustainable development approach. Thus, the aim of CSR is not only to improve the quality of life of employees and people in contact with the company, but also of the whole community.
In 2015, the UN adopted 17 Sustainable Development Goals to eradicate inequality, poverty and climate disruption by 2030. Many companies, from SMEs to major groups, are now incorporating sustainable development goals into their CSR policies.
Find out how CLA-VAL complies with its CSR principles
Continuous education opportunities for all employees in their specialist
Commitment to young people by training apprentices and trainees
Equal pay for men and women
Condemnation of all types of behaviour that discriminates against gender, sexual orientation, citizenship, religion and ethnicity
Allows new construction projects (Burj Khalifa, New Capital, Paris La Défense, etc.) to be supplied with water and sanitation
Enables the supply of water and sanitation to the City of Lausanne and, more generally, to the Romandie in Switzerland
Favorable working conditions for all employees
Opportunity and promotion within the company
Remuneration and competitive advantage for all
Continuity of the business sector
Offering and developing innovative solutions
World leader in the automatic control valve market
Equitable governance
Access to the field of activity (water) is a development factor contributing to the creation of synergy between the interaction of other sources of development such as energy, food or economic growth
Integration of a CSR policy
Real actions taken