CLA-VAL 100-CF9 : On/Off Float Level Control Valve


CLA-VAL 100-CF9 : On/Off Float Level Control Valve

The CLA-VAL 100-CF9 & 113-CF9 is equipped with a 2-way pilot control including a frost free protection by maintaining a constant flow through the pilot circuit of the main valve.

The CLA-VAL 100-CF9 & 113-CF9 is designed to open when the liquid level reaches a preset min. level and closes drip tight when the filing of the tank reaches the preset max. level.

The CLA-VAL 113-CF9 is equipped with a closing speed control to protect upstream network against surges.

Included acessories : 

  • Valve position indicator X101
  • Gauge cock CSA-12, Rp 1/2" (upstream)
  • Pressure gauge [0-16 bar]
  • Float control CF9 - PN 16, rod SS-303 L = 1,0 m and spherical float SS-316 diam. = 180 mm

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Technical Sheet

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