CLA-VAL 90AF4A-3 : Pressure Reducing Valve


CLA-VAL 90AF4A-3 : Pressure Reducing Valve

The Cla-Val Model 90AF-4A-3 Hytrol Valve is used as the basic unit in almost all Cla-Val automatic control valves for petroleum applications. The 90AF-4A-3 is a hydraulically operated, diaphragm actuated, globe or angle pattern valve. It is available in various materials and full range of sizes. It consists of three major components: body, diaphragm assembly and cover. The diaphragm assembly is the only moving part. The rugged simplicity of design and packless construction assure a long life dependable, trouble-free operation. Should the diaphragm become damaged the valve will close tight, providing "fail safe" operation. The 90AF-4A-3 Hytrol Valve is used in any type of piping system that requires control, flow regulation, rate of flow control, or check valve operation.

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